got droid questions? need app reviews? anything?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

well, i've been doing this little experimental blog for just over 2 months now, and i've got to say, it's been a blast.  what's even more surprising, is how many of you keep coming back for more!  cheers to that!

and since i'm really starting to roll with this thing, i want to get you all more involved!  with that said, it's time to open up this blog for some of those burning questions that have been sizzling on the tip of your tongue.

you have questions about your phone?  on apps?  need something reviewed?  need some basic tips or tutorials?  want more videos?  free stuff?  contests?    more news?  want to write for droid life?

this is your chance to let me know what you'd like more of, less of  and anything in between!  give it to me straight! 

and once again, thanks for allowing this little blog of mine to keep on growing!

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  1. I would love to see a site that compares the three major backup/"security" apps I keep seeing pop up and really give an in-depth pro/con of the apps and in their expert opinion is the best app to go with. Which apps am I talking about?: Lookout, Mobile Defense, and WaveSecure. Right now I'm leaning towards Lookout but...

    ***Also, I think it would be great to see a lot of the sites that talk about Android to get behind and promote issues to get them higher on Google's list of priorities. Have DroidLife, AndroidCentral, DroidNinja, and DroidDog [et al] would pull their power and blog about an issue at around the exact same time and day to promote an issue. Here's one I'd really like to see Google get on board and fixed real quick: You can't choose the From: address in the Gmail app, or via the browser, even when checking it via the "desktop" view link. So my proposal is to have the Android blogs promote Issue 1664 to the forefront of discussion. I think it could work. Here's a link to the issue:

    That's the burning one's I have right now.

    Oh, an app review of the SMART ALARM CLOCK app would be cool. Also a good voice recorder. Especially one that can record calls. I really needed something like that today. But I've heard that it's disabled on the Droid [which is my phone].

    Maybe a poll here and there for visitor participation. Oh, choose a couple apps to possibly test and have the visitors vote on which one they would like to see.

    If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.

  2. Me from above again.

    About the different security apps I found someone say that it's easy to bypass WaveSecure: --about 18th comment down.

    I also read someone say that WaveSecure and Mobile Defense SMS feature is international SMS that, most likely with your plan, will cost you. I'd like to confirm or deny this before I go with one.

  3. a good ICE app that will run with screen pattern lock.

  4. I enjoy this blog and the hints. Please keep up the good work.

  5. I check this blog first for updates before I look on any other site. Just keep up the great work and thanks for all the speedy udates and great info. I like checking and seeing 3 or 4 updates a day, your doin a great job

  6. Anon1: I feel ya on all those topics. I've tested Lookout and WaveSecure and plan on looking in Mobile Defense this weekend and will do a post on it. Love the collaboration idea as well, and the topic you picked has been driving me nuts since day 1. The rest of your stuff I'll definitely look into as well. Great comments.

    Anon2: Will check into an ICE app.

    Ray: What up!

    Anon3: Glad you are coming here for updates. We're doing our best to stay on it!

    Thanks everyone! Everything has definitely been noted.

  7. Whats up my fellow Droids?!!

    GSPwner here, just wanna say I love this site and Ive been getting all my tips from here. If you look at some vids I put on Youtube then you'll see why DROID rocks!!!

    At first I thought this was an all Android phone blog but when I started noticing it was nothing but *DROIIIID content I had to bookmark it on my Droid! =)

    Keep up the great work!

  8. Very nice blog, keep up the good work, keeps me informed on all things droid.i have a droid since day one and always looking for new apps.. i can do some writing for droid-life, let me

  9. One question I do have is about those Antivirus apps. Do they really do anything? Also how do I just make an account here to where it sais my name when I post, Name/URL option? Thx


  10. what are the cons and pros of rooting a device.

  11. Anon4: That youtube channel just goes to the user's "my videos" page heh. Give us your username on youtube and we should be able to find you. And yeah, we lean quite a bit more to the Moto Droid than just Android stuff. Trying to keep it a lil different.

    Miguel: We'll definitely get you some more app reviews and coverage in the near future. And I'll shoot you an email soon about guest posting.

    Anon5: No idea if the anti-virus stuff actually works, but it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. I'll grab more details on their legitimacy. If you want your name to show, just use the Name/URL option or create an account with

    Anon6: Cons and pros...that'll be a hefty one. Give me a little time to put that together. And let's see what happens with 2.1 rooted devices after the update. Could be something special in the mix. :)


    GSPwner is my youtube name, chk some cool droid vids =)

  13. Very cool videos. How is your rooted 2.1 going to handle the verizon 2.1 update tomorrow? Gotta back it all out?

  14. Its not rooted. I just have the Launcher and gallery apk files installed. YES, I fooled you!!! =) Im just gonna uninstall them and delete when I see the update avail FTW!

  15. Thanks for subscribing, btw. I'm xFenixKnightx on Twitter.

  16. Damn you! I'm such a sucker...

  17. I'd love to see some Droid usage tips, nothing too elaborate maybe some quick tips, etc.

    For instance I 've had this phone for a little over a month now, and I just found about the keyboard shortcuts for launching apps using the hardware keyboard.

    Maybe even set up a way for blog users to submit tips.

  18. Here's one for you...

    A review of Home++

    I like it but don't know if I like the google home screen better. Maybe I don't like change... Opinions?

    I do like that you can set it so you can have up to 7, yep that's right - count them 7, screens and it wraps around when scrolling to each.



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