nexus one 2.1 music app ported to android 2.0.1

Monday, January 25, 2010

bringing you another android 2.1 application!  the latest release to hit our android 2.0.1 devices is the nexus one music app which is a nice upgrade to the current droid music program and easily worth checking out.

this music app isn't ground breaking like the launcher or flan gallery were, but it's definitely better than the current music app on your motorola droid device.  it adds a slightly different setup while making functionality and ease of use so much nicer.

new stuff:

  • 4 tabs (artists, albums, songs, playlists) across top of app for smoother transitions.
  • background image of album while playing
  • current song bar always displayed in bottom of app
steps for installation:

1.  go into settings -> applications and check the "unknown sources" box.
2.  visit this post from your phone's browser.
3.  tap and download this file onto your phone:  MusicInstallable.apk   (alt link)
4.  tap on the downloaded application once it has finished.
5.  install it and tap "open" when finished.
6.  tap "artists" tab, check defaults box, and select Music (
7.  repeat steps for all 4 tabs in music app.
8.  done!

video of this new 2.1 app coming soon!

the rest of the android 2.1 apps you need:

1.  nexus one / sense ui launcher
2.  new eclair gallery with multi-touch
3.  genie news and weather 2.1
4.  launcher 2.1
5.  music app 2.1
6.  clock app 2.1
7.  flan gallery 2.1

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  1. Thank god, music app was terrible before... this is an improvement

  2. Funny how simple changes like this can make it that much nicer.

  3. I'm still pissed that the MOTOROKR EQ7's skip/play/pause buttons don't work with this MOTOROLA product (note: the play/pause does work with Streamfurious, which supports stream pausing). I know Motorola isn't to blame as Music/Musik is an Android app, but it seems trivial to support Bluetooth A2DP signaling on a cell phone...

  4. It is also too bad that the Multimedia Dock app (i.e., the thing that "Dockrunner" forces to open... what I think is the "Clock app" on Nexus One/Android 2.1) doesn't give you the option of opening this alternate music player (like it does with the flan gallery).

    On that note, it might be cool to see the clock app ported...

  5. Still waiting for the gallery version WITH Mutlitouch..

    i own a Motorola Milestone,
    I like the new gallery, but not enough to lose my multitouch function.

    I Assume its present on the euro version right?
    When will that be ported?

  6. Ted: That's pretty bad being a Motorola product...glad I didn't pick those up yet or I woulda been a little irritated to say the least.

    With the dock app, I used it this morning with the 2.1 musik player. I just have mine set to default in every which way and it opened right up.

    And I'll check on the 2.1 clock app.

    Anon: No comment for you multi-touch people! Haha. I'm guessing Android 2.1 will have multi-touch all over it for the Milestone.

  7. kellex: I've set the 2.1 musik player as the default in all places that I can find, but hitting the two eighth notes on the dock app keeps bringing up the 2.0 player. :( Oh, well... I guess YMMV...

  8. kellex: Oh, and I doubt *any* Bluetooth speaker/headset with play/pause/skip buttons will work with the Android music player. Google is just crappy at cell phone apps, and until they let people contribute to the main trunk of their "open source" operating system, they'll probably not get any better at these things. (off topic example: no way to edit or add birth dates in stock Android Contacts app... maybe that's their way of forcing you to use and see some ads)

  9. Now that I'm fully awake, I pulled up the music player on my multimedia appears to be the 2.0 version. Sorry for the false hope or confusion haha.

  10. One thing that sucks about using this Music player is that it APPEARS like none of the scrobbling apps recognize it. That is, they are looking for and not com.motorola.musik. :(

  11. jose: you can uninstall in your settings>applications?manage apps just like any other application.

    ted: damn!

  12. Great music app. The UI makes much more sense than the stock Droid music app UI.

    My question...
    Can the icon for this app be renamed?

    I now have two identical icons in my app drawer:
    - Both have the icon image of a blue speaker;
    - Both have the icon name "Music";
    - The 1st Music icon takes me to the stock Droid music app;
    - The 2nd Music icon takes me to this new ported app.

    I don't really mind having 2 Music icons, but I would like to rename one of them to make it a little easier to differentiate between the versions, if possible.

    Any suggestions or insight would be appreciated.

  13. I agree with the person above, great app and thanks for the download, but is there away to remove the first music app i now have two music app which are able to be played at the same time which i will never do but no the less i dont like, any suggestions?

  14. I can't get this one to work for me. I downloaded it, installed it, opened it and made it my default. When I press the songs or artist tab, it takes me back to 2.0, and doesn't give me the option to make 2.1 my default. What am I doing wrong?

  15. Hey all, only way to remove the old music app is by rooting your device first and at this point isn't worth doing with 2.1 just around the corner.

    Tisha: so its changing back to the old version while u are in the new version?

  16. Yes, Kellex. It's really weird.

  17. Can you find any scrobblers that support this ported music app? The scrobblers attach to apps by name, and so they don't recognize this name ("musik"). It would be easy to patch them... and so I just hope that the scrobble providers start doing that.

    Regarding what to do about having two Music/Gallery/etc., the old version of abcOrganizer (or its free counterpart) would let you check apps as "favorites." Then when you browse your categories (think of them like tags arther than folders), you can show only favorited apps... (the problem is -- the last time I checked, the little "star" that used to be in the corner of the abcOrganizer tag windows was gone -- even though you could still favor apps)

  18. I have two music,map,and gallery icons how do i get rid of the old ones i dont need?

  19. Unfortunately you can't get rid of the default programs unless you have root access. The double icon thing is one of the downfalls. My tip is to make a folder on one of your screens and put all the 2.1 apps in there. :)

  20. I cant seem to get the music app to work i have tried every thing all the other apps work flawlessly and i love the launcher app sooooo much nicer.. Any advice would be helpful

  21. You getting an error during download? On install? What's happening? Give me some details. :)

  22. I can download and install, but when I open the app it opens instead of I can't find any way to make it run the new one (both icons open .music) and if i choose ".musik" when given the choice it still opens .music.

    Very strange and rather frustrating - have uninstalled/reinstalled several times and am sure to go stop the .music process when it's running.

    Any thoughts?

  23. Go into settings>applications>manage apps and find "music" app. clear the defaults on it and then try opening it again.

  24. Bingo - that did the trick. Thanks kellex!


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