security flaw on motorola droid 2.0.1

Monday, January 11, 2010

update:  video proof from us over at!

for those of you using the lock pattern on your motorola droid running android 2.0.1, understand that it is not completely safe.

if your phone is locked and you receive a call, you can hit the "back" button and jump right into your phone without ever unlocking it.  (yikes!)  if you hit the "home" button it will lock, but the "back" button has left the phone wide open. 

to test it, try this:

1.  set the lock pattern on your phone
2.  call your phone with someone else's phone
3.  answer the call
4.  press the "back" button while on the call
5.  bam!

and i've tried this myself and can assure you that this works.  let's hope there is a patch soon to fix this issue.

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