
motorola confirms no launcher or live wallpapers?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

with our android 2.1 poised to start rolling out to our droid devices today, the motorola site is also preparing by updating it's q&a sections.  if you ask the site "how can i get the latest Android 2.1 software?" you will get the following answer and may also come away slightly disappointed...

From time-to-time, Motorola releases updates to enhance the overall performance of its phones. The Android 2.1 software update for DROID by Motorola provides new multimedia features, exciting new widgets, and a security upgrade.

We encourage you to immediately install this latest software update once you receive the notification on your device.  This will ensure optimal performance of your DROID by Motorola.

Who Can Use This Release

All DROID by Motorola users.

DROID by Motorola users will receive a notification to install this update (and will continue to receive these notices periodically until installation is complete).  NOTE: Turning your device off and on will automatically launch the upgrade installation.

After downloading and installing Android 2.1 software release, you will notice:

Voice Recognition for Virtual Keyboard Voice Recognition: You can now speak in plain English instead of typing, whenever a text-entry box appears on your Android device. Simply swipe your finger across the virtual keyboard and dictate your phrase.
Virtual Keyboard Enhancements: The fully integrated, enlarged virtual keyboard allows for easier and more accurate manual entries as well.  Also included are auto-complete/correct.
 3D Gallery 3D Gallery offers a whole new way to enjoy your phone’s multimedia features.  With 3D gallery, all of your photos, videos, album art and images from your Picasa Web albums account online are displayed in three-dimensional stacks that gently move as the phone is tilted.  Scrolling through and choosing media has never been easier.  With 3D gallery simply use your finger to scroll through thumbnail versions of all your photos, videos and albums - and when you find one you want - simply tap the image to select it for viewing or playback. You can share pics individually or in bulk (by long-pressing a photo) on Facebook, Email, or MMS.
 Pinch-to-Zoom Enjoy pinch-to-zoom functionality for web browsing, plus the Gallery and Maps applications
News and Weather App and Widget
The News and Weather app pulls information from the web and brings it to your fingertips. Weekly and hourly weather forecast for your area based on your location and it pulls news headlines on the topics you care about most.
Google Maps Updates Sync with desktop: synchronizes starred items between Google Maps on your Android device and maps.google.com.
Personalized suggestions: Google Maps on your Android device suggests (autocompletes) locations based on your personal search history on maps.google.com.
Night mode: automatically changes your screen at night for easier viewing and driving
NOTE: Sync feature requires user to be logged in to myGoogle account while on maps.google.com
Enhanced Music Application  New tabs at the top of your music player for easier access and navigation to your favorite artist, songs, albums and playlists.
Google Goggles App Google Goggles App allows you to snap a picture to start a Google search. It can also ”read” photos of business cards and add them to your contacts.  Even cooler is its built-in augmented reality feature that displays information about things, like stores and restaurants, around you.
Other Enhancements       Security: Prevents unauthorized pattern lock bypass

Yahoo email:  Yahoo email new accounts setup optimizations

Battery life: ongoing battery life optimization
(via motorolaThanks Michael and Drew!

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  1. Aw man...I know it is purely superficial, but I really wanted the live wallpapers.

  2. They would not have called it "version 2" if it was not intended to be updated again. My guess is that we will see the full deal when Flash is released.

  3. Um ... what? No live wallpapers? That's bullcrap.

  4. err.. "version 1". way to go fat fingers.

  5. eh, at least we have the ported launcher. anyways, for those of us who use home screen replacements, even for those who use them on nexusone, are stuck with the old non-3d launcher. i think we'll be alright.

  6. Maybe they'll surprise us all :)

  7. Will the ported launcher work once we've updated?

  8. So do we at least get 5 homescreens with the little card previews/shortcuts?

  9. Someone will likely port the launcher over from the Nexus One again and it should be a hell of a lot more stable being 2.1 to 2.1

  10. i was really hoping for those 5 screens looks like i'll be getting the ported launcher after the update

  11. oh well at least it's something for now,i hope they at least give us what everybody is wanting

  12. are we getting flash 10.1? wasn't there a post on here the other day saying we were?

  13. So does the 2.1 update make the ported 2.1 launcher obsolete? What happens if you have it running and update?

  14. If I were you I'd uninstall it, then try it after the update. I don't think its going to work but who knows.

    I hope kellex is right and we get a new 2.1 to 2.1 launcher port that is much better. I just wish they would get that landscape glitch fixed. Life (droid-life) would be sweet if this happens. =)

  15. Somebody already asked. I did not see an answer. Are we going to have 5 homescreens now?

  16. 5 or not seems to be speculation right now. it wasn't mentioned in the list of items, but i've got my fingers crossed!!

  17. For some reason I do think we are getting the app grid and 5 screens. They just didnt mention them. I mean, why would they mention them...right? O_o

    Fingers crossed as well

  18. in regards to the keyboard, is that multitouch now?

  19. 5 screens: We have no official word. We're all hoping but was not included in any postings.

    Launcher: The 2.0.1 launcher that was ported will likely work, but still be buggy as hell. I suggest removing it and waiting for a clean version.

    Flash: Flash was given a "first half of 2010" release date which could mean June 30th...the 2.1 update reportedly makes the phone "Flash 10.1 ready" though.

  20. Missed this one...

    Keyboard: No word on keyboard being multi-touch but i'm guessing it is not.

  21. I am hoping the voice input for text works well... if it does, screw the keyboard multitouch, just talk!

  22. Yeah voice-text is going to be awesome. Driving and texting will be so fantastic haha.

  23. no one received the update yet?

  24. Disappointing to say the most. Thanks for the awesome site though kellex.

    This is a little upsetting. My 30 days is up around Feb 25th... I wonder if I should return my Droid, wait it out and get the Nexus One once it comes to Verizon. I'm sorry, I don't want crippled updates, when exploitation developers are kicking the updates ass x10. Its giving me that "Game Boy Advanced" feel. Remember when GBA was hot? Then the evolutionary devices started rolling out. And the GBA people ket the device and just GameSharked all the currently old games?

    This isn't right. I hope we do get the live wall paper, and 5 screens. I love my Droid, but I don't want half-assed support.

  25. How about the clock app?... love the ported one

  26. Clock apparently should be coming. I hope so anyway.

    Not sure what to tell u on returning your Droid. I for one would not do that as I think this device is amazing and after seeing the Nexus one's ice cold sales numbers I would assume the Droid will continue to receive a ton of updates. There are millions in circulation at this point and Motorola is not going to let it die.

  27. But if they are using our speed processor limits... all of the updates will be "half". Am I correct? They will in the future, if not even now, put more into the Nexus.

  28. You are right they can only give us the updates that the processors on our current models can handle. Can't wait for the second generation DROID. iPhone 4G vs. DROID2.

  29. Its an interesting question that should also remind us that when we buy technology, it's usually outdated by the time we walk out the door. Sadly.

  30. Oh Yeah... about that 2.1 update for the DROID its going to be by the end of the month! just talked to someone who works at moto!! sucks! right!?

  31. I'm having a hard time believing that they will delay this until the end of the month.

    1st- They released the news on their official Facebook and did not retract.

    2nd- They released the details of the update today.

    Now I know they've retracted that, but they still have 3 days before this week is over. Just a guess here, but the update will probably start tonight or early tomorrow and then everyone can chill out.

  32. LOOKS LEGIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIev6Ff7Kw0 WATCH THIS VIDEO. make a post, shows everything they talk about leaves out what the rumors say. I think thats what we're to expect. Maybe make this a seperate post!

  33. Something not right about that. First off not sure that's even a DROID and when he turns the phone, he turns in the wrong direction of the DROID accelerometer...

    But that looks like an updated drawer and music player and all. Interesting...

    Video was posted on the 5th and no one else has seen it. Hmmm...I'm stumped!

  34. Oh I see now its a Samsung phone...I'm guessing not related at all, but great catch.

    I'm still thinking we get the OTA starting tonight or tomorrow at the latest. :)

  35. so do you think the 2.1 software for the motorola droid will come out tonight??

  36. Lets hope so :) It's really all up in the air at this point.

  37. at the latest by the end of this week?


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