motorola devour has flash - what about droid?

Thursday, February 04, 2010

i can't believe i missed this yesterday while writing the announcement post for the motorola devour.  i was on the motorola site pulling correct specs since the specs floating around the rest of the blogs were all wrong.  no idea how i overlooked this.  long day i guess...

(click for big boy version)

anyway, as engadget points out today, the motorola devour comes standard with a full html browser including flash lite. 
Motorola's official spec sheet for the Devour reveals that there'll be a Flash Lite runtime on board -- presumably version 3.1, which offers support for a variety of video codecs and Flash 9 content -- and more importantly, it'll work in the browser.
any other droid users starting to feel really worthless?  that's like your little brother inheriting grandma's millions.  that's like scottie pippen getting recognized as the greatest chicago bull ever.  that's like...whatever.

(via engadget)

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  1. Adobe Flash Lite and Flash Player 10 are two totally different things unless they are merging both. Flash Lite has always been a mobile flash player but limited.

  2. Limited for sure, but it's still a step ahead of us for now.

  3. I look at it as a good sign of FLASH coming to us DROID owners by March

  4. Very true...I am very excited to get Flash on the Droid. Being a Flash animator, it would be awesome to do some mobile animations/ apps. I don't know much about Adobe Air, but I know with it and the Flash player you could make some kick-ass apps


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