SeePU android app - slow running motorola droid?

Sunday, February 07, 2010

been wondering if your droid really is running incredibly slow?  well now you can know for sure with the new app from developer "latedroid."  with the release of SeePU, you can check the cpu and memory usage on your phone to give you an idea on how efficiently it is running.

the simple way to explain this app, is to have you enable it and tap on the "CPU/memory" button.  this will give you a 2 sided bar in your notification area with your cpu usage on the left side and your free memory on the other.

  • while your phone is sitting idle, you want the left hand bar to be completely black which would mean your phone is processing nothing 
  • and your right hand bar a full green color meaning you have all memory available.
  • (you want it to look like the picture at the top of this post.)
now if your phone is constantly showing orange bars, it might be time to dig deeper into your phone's processes as you may have something in need of a fix.

download here...

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  1. I can get my right bar all green by using advanced task killer, but my left bar always has some little sliver of green instead of being all black.

  2. can you guys maybe do a thing for us to try to troubleshoot our system processes if our SeePU icons look "bad"

  3. Same here, my right bar is all green by using a task killer (by using Home++) but my right bar is all black EXCEPT a very small line on the bhottom.

    Doesn't look like you pic. Could be wrong?

  4. The left bar is ur CPU usage and u want it to be black meaning you have nothing running. If ur right bar is not green when sitting idle then u must have something hogging memory.

    Advanced task killer can show u what is hogging those resource.

  5. I meant my left bar is all black except a tad bit on the bottom. Very small green line.yours in the pic shows all black and not even a bit green

  6. my right bar is yellow and only about 1/4 the way up

    i have a feeling im not running optimally
    although i do have a lot of music on my sd card (about 10mb)

    anyway to improve this without a task killer?

  7. I can say that I use Advanced Task Manager and rarely go into as we all know by now that task managers should not be used to kill off apps all the time. But I will say that if I go into it and notice things like my browser still running, or some other app that I know doesnt need to be taking up resources, that I can kill it and my memory and CPU usage go back to green and black.

  8. I cant seem to get my right bar (memory) green.
    sometimes it go's to about 50% (still yellow)
    but most of the time its near at the bottom.

    I tried disabling some apps..
    but it still stays low.

    i dont get it :(

  9. how come you shouldn't use it to kill off apps all the time?

  10. Alex: This phone is basically a computer and will likely always have a process running in the background which is not a bad thing. You should only be concerned if you are getting orange bars nonstop.

    Robert: Check this link out for a ton of info on app killers. The main issue you need to realize is that certain apps are made to be running, but that doesnt necessarily mean they are taking up resources. By killing them all the time, you are actually causing your phone more work because it will continually be tryin to reopen said program.

  11. Hi, I'm SeePU developer - thanks for the review! :)

    I've addressed the questions in the comments (and more) in the FAQ that I just posted:

    Hope that helps!

    Also, don't forget to try JuiceDefender, it'll help your battery life immensely! A description is here:


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