seesmic receives major update
Friday, February 05, 2010
there was really just one thing holding seesmic back from becoming the best twitter application available for android (in our opinion). and guess what? they've fixed that issue along with many others in this latest update.
the "one thing" we are talking about is the addition of multiple accounts...
Multi Accountshere are the other updates/fixes...
The necessity to add multiple accounts to mobile devices has become one of the most significant elements of Seesmic Android. You can now add multiple Twitter accounts in the application, and cross-post messages at the same time. This means that you can easily navigate through multiple Twitter communication channels and stay in touch with all your followers simultaneously. Moreover, the notifications you will be receiving will announce you of the online activity of your default Twitter user.
- Adding an Extra Large text size option
- Your profile information (avatar, number of following and followers,...) will now be updated automatically
- Changing your Twitter account password will now be handled by the application
- Composer now auto-corrects and auto-capitalize your words and sentences
- Notifications are now cleared when the application is accessed from Launcher
- Easily changing default account from the application’s Settings
- Can remove a Twitter account simply by pressing on it

(via seesmic blog)
But...Twidroids little robot icon is cuter. Lol
ReplyDeleteGreat suff man, now im going to try it.
I disagree! Who doesn't love a cute little raccoon? :)