site update: new comment form issues

Saturday, February 27, 2010

as you've all probably noticed by now, we've updated the comment form on the site and gone with Disqus as they are one of the leaders in the world of commenting.  unfortunately, an issue was quickly pointed out for users who visit this site and comment the majority of the time through their phone.

if you comment as a "guest" from your droid you are prompted with a window, which for whatever reason, will not load on a mobile device.  there is a simple fix to this issue, but it requires you to set up a profile with Disqus.

here is the fix...

1.  sign up for an account with Disqus.
2.  once you have an account and remain logged in to it on your droid, you will no longer be prompted and comments will post automatically.

i know this is a pain in the rear and not necessarily something all of you want to do, but if you are a mobile browser commenting machine, this will make life super easy and allow you to continue to comment on droid life!

oh and if you see Octotron cruising around here with a droid life avatar, that's just our new moderator mike who will be helping out and stirring up trouble.

thanks for being patient with us as we work to upgrade the site going forward.

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