motorola droid having verizon data and 3g issues?
Wednesday, March 03, 2010news coming out early this morning from across the nation that 3g and data connectivity for many motorola droid and droid eris phones (or all smartphones on VZW) are not working. since i'm on the west coast and i wake up a lot later than most of you east coasters, i can't say that i've noticed anything. in fact, i can see the blinking green light of happiness going off right now.
update 8:40am: first off, thanks to everyone for cluing in the late waking west coaster! verizon announced via twitter that their data issues have been resolved...
VZW resolves early AM data issue that involved parts, not all, of eastern US: mix of some out, slower service, many unaffected from 4-8 AM.anyone still experiencing issues? drop your location if you can.