Droid Does: Better Keyboard 5.0 for Android

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hey there guys! Just wanted to drop in with a quick look at BETTER KEYBOARD 5.0 for Android. With all this talk lately of rooting this and modding that I figured I would give you guys something to play with that DIDN'T involve voiding your warranty! It's Better Keyboard 5.0 - available for the low low price of $2.99 in the Android Market.

Take a look...

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  1. i bought the "TalkToMe Keyboard" a while back (same price as "Better Keyboard") and it allows the same skins as better keyboard. is there anything that better keyboard 5.0 does that talk to me doesn't? just curious because i wouldn't want to double pay for essentially the same app

  2. Not feeling it. I do not see any advantage over the stock keyboard. Looks like the guy in the video was having lots of trouble typing with it.

  3. Hah John did look to be struggling with his one handed typing.

    I will say that I downloaded it yesterday and have been playing with it quite a bit. I like some of the skins that put space inbetween the keys and the voice-to-text works pretty well.

    If you've got $3 to spare, check it out, otherwise wait til 2.1.

    Mike: Sounds like about the same thing.

  4. I'll be sticking with swype until we get a multitouch keyboard. The stock virtual keyboard is the only thing the iPhone makes me envious of.

  5. I will get a 3pd keyboard, when it lets me edit key assignments. I want a freaking escape key!!!

  6. Gotta admit, iPhone does have one excellent keyboard. I don't understand why nobody has managed to make one that works as well after all this time.

    That being said, I did play around with Swype for a while, and after getting used to it you can bang out some messages pretty quickly. It's. Only good for portrait mode though, landscape makes it hard to swype when you have to move so far for each key. Also, typing on it key by key was pretty horrendous.

    I may have to check this one out, always looking for a better kayboard.

  7. I haven't downloaded Swype for comparison, but I've been using ShapeWriter for a while. It's available for free in the android market. I've been impressed with its accuracy so far. And you can still type with one thumb in landscape (it offsets the keyboard to the right in landscape).

  8. And as you can tell from that last post, I obviously still haven't mastered the stock keyboard yet either ;)

  9. Stock keyboard is so far behind the iPhone's and I agree...why hasn't anyone figured out how to make one comparible?

    I had fun with Swype, but when you talk oogly googly to your wife, it doesn't work well. (Did I just admit that? hah)

  10. Not happy with BK, not even with this latest update. I'm sticking with Swype.

    HTC Sense keyboard is 2nd to none compared to iPhone

  11. are the numbers and symbols accessed via long press like the Sense UI or are they still accessed via Shift key?

  12. @kellex Yeah I really can't figure out what the big deal is with creating a good keyboard. Even if it was a 100% rip off of the iPhone's, I'd still use it. I also would like the non-annoying "click" you get like on the iPhone when you tap keys versus our typewriter-esque noise.
    We have multi touch capabilities and an overall more powerful device than the iPhone, so please--developers, make something happen!

  13. Is the only thing that makes this a better keyboard the availability of skins and voice dictation?

  14. droid is kind of stuck-in-my-head, I can't think anything else, but getting a droid and accessorize it with stuff like motorola droid skins , and all other available things.

  15. Another good keyboard if you prefer sliding instead of typing is SlideIT by Dasur which is officially on the Market. it does a great job. You can slide really fast with it. It also supports many languages.
    SlideIT download link : http://www.mobiletextinput.com/Product/SlideIT/Android/download.php

  16. When are we getting that aligator keyboard?

  17. I like the iPhone's keyboard, but I love HTC's keyboard. I started with a Hero before returning it and getting the Droid, and the one thing I truly miss is the Hero's keyboard. By far, in my opinion, the best soft keyboard on the market. I would give a sliver of liver to have someone port that N1 keyboard to the Droid.


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