droid eris receives 2.1 update today? **UPDATED**

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

news broke yesterday that htc would be releasing android 2.1 to a bunch of their phones with one being the droid eris.  this was good news to eris users as they had never really heard a firm confirmation on what os update they would eventually be receiving.  so "yay!" to that!

and then we received this comment this morning...

john,  February 17, 2010 9:15 AM 
My IT guy recieved an update on his Eris today that seems to be 2.1 It did not go well either. It wiped all content including apps on his phone. Why are they send the eris updates before us? I google it and have not seen any other chatter about this.
update 10:15am:  another comment through the cnet link up top refers to the same update with the same results as our secret commenter including no sense ui?  huh?
by ririboy February 17, 2010 7:21 AM PST
Actually I got the update this morning. It took quite a lot of of time. It includes Android 2.1 but not the Sense UI update. The new UI is much more responsive, however be careful, it will simply erase all your data on the phone. With no warning... You'll have to run the setup wizard again, which is really a shame.
update 3:09pm:  we've got photo confirmation of the droid eris update to 2.1.  what. the. hell. (via androidforums.com)

update 4:04pm:  one of our sources has confirmed a call from a motorola droid user who received an ota update to 2.1, but came across issues while attempting to install it.  after 2 attempts at the update, they were still on 2.0.1.

update 6:34pm:  our original source returns...
John,  February 17, 2010 6:34 PM 
I posted the first comment about the eris with 2.1 and my IT guy. Well one thing he said was it did add the car home feature with turn by turn directions with the update. I have not seen it myself but that is what he emailed me this afternoon. Sorry for the poor grammar in my first post. I was typing from my phone.
it's now sounding more and more like eris users truly are receiving some sort of an update to 2.1.  some are reporting that sense ui is missing while others apparently still have it.  and now after our source has confirmed an update request from a droid user, we have to wonder what verizon has done this time.  this is shaping up to be a huge disaster for htc, motorola and verizon.

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  1. another person said they got it here;

    or its the same guy, i dunno

  2. That's interesting. I guess either it was leaked to a few phones or there are a couple of guys who really need to be stuffed into a hole.

  3. Called the wife so she could checks hers. Nada...

  4. LOL I was semi right in weird universe I was expecting Droid eris update told u kellex but was wrong on our update there must a little baby with our Droid updates getting syrup and slobber on it give us our updates u mean little baby

  5. if we were in the intelligence business we would say there is a lot of chatter about this update.if we do not see it roll out this weekend, I am going to go with what I have heard about a problem with the update process bricking or somehow messing up phones.

  6. I don't know who's public communications are better... Verizon's, Motorola's, or Chris Brown's?

  7. IMO, the 3 options of why we haven't received an update yet are:
    1) Update got tested and bricked phones (hopefully didn't happen)
    2) VZW saw people were pissed about not getting all the features so they put the update on hold to add in everything
    3) Adobe finished Flash support for the Droid faster than expected and VZW figured they'd add it in with this update.

  8. I guess that would mean that it's not verizon being lazy that's holding up the droid update, though personally they can hold it up as long as they want if it means not getting all my data erased

  9. I missed the Chris brown joke lol but you can send Chris brown to beat up the baby OK no more Chris brown jokes before we get beat up this a Droid blogsite not my name Chris brown give me 2.1 or else blogsite

  10. IMO anyone who is in a hurry to receive an update that has the potential to brick their phone or ease their data has never been on the delivery end of a support organization that is committed to delivering a product that works..., VZW take whatever time it takes to get it right!

  11. I, like any smart person, wants a greatly working product. If Quality Assurance and Quality Control departments are doing what they should be, then great... but the lack of communication is the uneasy part.

    Verizon hasn't said a word, and what little Motorola has said, has been faulty. Its a shame.

  12. I would bet that the Droid 2.1 update delay is from the marketing department. Verizon/Motorola marketing will need some flashy (10.1) features to advertise against the features of the iPhone OS 4.0 and Win Phone7 when their advertising hits the general public.

  13. Haven't heard of this from any customers calling in so far today. Maybe it's an isolated issue. Or maybe it's just garbage :p

  14. syntakk: most likely garbage.

    everyone else: gotta say, i'm with you. it's all about having a quality update than a half-a**ed one.

  15. There has been another report of an update that erased contacts and apps with pics:


  16. Just saw that. Post updated. No idea what is going on, but sounds like quite the slip up from Verizon.

  17. What if this update was meant for the Droid and this happened?

  18. I would put LARGE amounts of money on it that it was meant for the Droid instead. Someone send me the 2.1 update.zip file and I will tell you LOL

  19. Motorola really needs to get their act together. lets hope the delay is worth it

  20. So the article says it not sense ui. So why is the notification panel black? I think it's fake...

  21. I wonder if anyone has tried calling verizon to ask about the update...

  22. Moto has really pissed me off how unprofessional

  23. I called big red. They deny any ota. My daughter has the Eris, nothing.

  24. Verizon tech #1: "You know Droid & Droid Eris are two different phones, right?!?"

    Verizon tech #2: "F**K!!! STOP THE UPDATE TO THE ERIS!!!"

  25. No Joke... Verizon called me today to do the typical "courtesy" call and go over my current plan. I just had to give the chick a hard time and press her about the update. Her exact words, "I want to keep my job sir"... LOL!!! I actually got a good laugh from it.

  26. LOL Jasen that's pretty good.

    I wouldn't bother calling VZW about the update right now. There is no official information out for VZW reps regarding the 2.1 update, and anything you get would most likely be the same rumors you keep seeing online.

  27. I posted the first comment about the eris with 2.1 and my IT guy. Well one thing he said was it did add the car home feature with turn by turn directions with the update. I have not seen it myself but that is what he emailed me this afternoon. Sorry for the poor grammar in my first post. I was typing from my phone.

  28. No one should care about grammar here, son!

  29. Remember a few weeks ago when a bunch of people were talking about the 60mb update they for the Motorola Droid that was suppose to fix Facebook, improve battery life and get it ready for the 2.1 update? I have a feeling the same people are now posting that the Droid Eris is getting the 2.1 update.

    You know the saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice same on me.

  30. Droid: first to get android 2.0 last to get 2.1, WTF verizon give us our damn update!! how you gonna give the BS eris an update before us?! after this phone dies im never getting a MOTO again bavk to HTC i go!

  31. I just wanted to say it is VERY VERY hard to brick the Droid. I have seen someone purposely try to brick the Droid installing a ROM and it never "bricked", just because the screen hangs at the "M" screen it is not bricked, a bricked phone wont even turn on, hence brick. I highly doubt the rumor squad idiots at Engadget even heard the original MOTO update bricked a test phone at Verizon.

  32. John: Thanks for coming back and posting on here. If there is any way you could send us pictures of the phone with updates and features, that would be amazing.


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