
video: verizon fios android app

Thursday, February 18, 2010

a few weeks ago we covered the release of the verizon fios app for the motorola droid and today they came out with some video of it including all of its nifty features.  with this app you'll be able change channels by using your droid as a remote, sync pictures to your tv as a slideshow, set up favorite channels for quick surfing, and even mute your tv if you receive a call.  purely awesome.  well if you have fios that is...

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  1. Pretty cool, if only I had FiOS. I like the auto-mute feature, I could see that being useful. I just wonder if there is any delay between the button press and the response, or if it is as fast as a normal remote.

  2. @syntakk
    It's very fast. I didn't have any real delay with it so far. I've noticed the buttons are a little small for my taste, though. You can even turn on a vibrate on key press feature to make it feel a little more physical.

  3. Welp that's great for the 3 people that have FiOS

  4. Ricky, funny... one could say the same thing about how many people own the Droid... and we all know that isn't true...

  5. besides the 2.1 update verizon is making me a happy camper, one bill makes it easy to pay, fios is great and this app rocks

  6. From what I've seen, the problem doesn't seem to be hat people don't want FiOS, it's that it's just not available to them. For some reason it seems like Verizon (not wireless) just doesn't have service in a lot o places. For example, I'm in Houston near the Galleria and guess what? Yep, no FiOS.

  7. Yeah it's not available in very many places. For me, the cutoff is like 4 blocks from my place which is unfortunate.

  8. Yo kellex, it seems BB maker Pete got his hands on a leaked "early" version of 2.1 for Droid... read here:



  9. Very nice find, Coffee! Hopefully this means 2.1 update coming soon to your local internets ;)

  10. Wow I take one day off and look what happens. Thanks guys, great find.


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