droidmod 1.0 released includes live wallpapers - *updated*

Sunday, February 21, 2010

if you aren't up on the developer and rom gossip, then you may have missed all of the drama between the sholes team which eventually led to the take down of the SMUpdater and all sholes roms.  and why do we really care?  well the sholes rom gave even novice users the chance to root their phone and install a custom rom without much of the risk and confusion.  in fact, it made the entire process automatic and even allowed you to get back to stock with a simple one button press.

well after the breakup, a new team was established and nicely titled as droidmod.org.  there first release is out (droidmod 1.0) and allows the same user experience as previous sholes versions sans smoked glass.  with a few simple clicks you can get to a completely rooted droid which includes...wait for it...live wallpapers on 2.0.1.  other goodies include a multi-touch browser and gallery, 2.1 music player, genie news and weather widget, 2.1 clock, voice-to-text, and the opportunity to overclock.

*warning* - if you are willing to take the risk of voiding your warranty and possibly causing permanent damage to your phone you can download droidmod 1.0 here.  (alt download)

update 2/22:  we put together all of the questions from the comments on this post and ran a separate question and answer session here.

check out droidmod 1.0 in action...

update 2/21:  live wallpapers work perfectly with touch using the 2.1 launcher.

video with live wallpapers fully functioning...

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  1. Interesting. I am still willing to see what the 2.1 update brings before I go ahead and just root.

    Think Flash will work on DroidMod or rooted phones in general right off the bat?

  2. That's a good question. I would say probably not as it'll be built for 2.1, but the developers that work on all these will likely make a fix right away.

    I'm not recommending you do this droid mod update, just letting you know it's out there. So you know, I've already unrooted my phone again.

  3. Is this still as easy to unroot at sholes? I'm getting tired of waiting for the 2.1 update, and this is looking more and more tempting.

  4. It is as easy. I think the recovery image might be the same exact one.

    For some reason, it does remove voice search when unrooting. Very annoying and requires a factory reset to bring it back. That is unless someone else knows how to get it back...

  5. Thanks for the quick reply, good to know. At least factory reset is very quick and easy on the Droid (except for having to install your apps again.)

  6. Babykings: As far as I know, it does not. If you have 2.0.1 it might but I suggest going to the DroidMod.org website and asking around.

  7. Kellex, I have never rooted my droid. What is the possibility of someone bricking their phone doing this.

  8. ok im sold at first i wasnt gonna do this but i am kellex is that you doing the vid im not one to be like if you do it i will but this time i might lol im confused should i shouldnt i this isnt like a bacon or sausage question

  9. im doing it you only live once and its comforting to see the option to go back to stock so im sold its downloading as we speak im nervous and excited

  10. i must be the only one up im doing it and now my Droid is frozen at the reboot screen and the last thing it said is dump.tar and theres a grey bar that supposed to turn yellow at the bottom how long does this take cause im getting paranoid the whole screen is red and black

  11. Michael not AnonymousFebruary 22, 2010 at 1:26 AM

    im sorry i meant dumping data.tar i really wish there was a chat on this i feel so alone and i dont know what to do or if i need to panic or calm down maybe it takes a while

  12. ok so i got nervous because i waited 40 mins for it to "dump my data.tar" and i took my battery out and then it brought me right back to the problem this time no problem it did what it was supposed to do the first time now im at at screen and its basically asking me what i wanted on the Droid some blue letters yes yes blah blah screen reboot DroidMod after Motorola M pause.....pause.....Droid started up bout to check everything now.......notice 5 screens first then music...check moving to gallery gallery check looking good... but kinda laggy multitouch kinda laggy as well but it works in maps and also browser and now live wallpaper and oh my damn i love it hahaha wow i feel so special mind you this is easy as hell just be patient this will def hold you over til the real update comes out hahaha im glad i did it im so rooted now to add 2.1 launcher now i can sleep peacefully tonight thank you for posting this info DroidGuru Kellex im a happy camper.
    My name is michael and i approve this message

  13. camera folder wont appear in gallery and also notification bar is messed up when u slide it down

  14. hey guys a little tip some live wallpapers are in the market and some of them are interactive even with the 2.0.1 launcher definitely the starfield 3d double tap and the stars go into hyper speed. I think the earth 3d one does too and if you want to take the look of your droid a step farther now that your rooted download metamorph from the market then head over to alldroid.org and pick one of their themes xeudoxus has a great theme called xhero and it gives droid a cool look especially with the black notification bar and a hero style app launcher.

  15. The credit for the live wallpapers on droid 2.0.1 goes to Xeudoxus

  16. for anyone that still wants 2.1 and doesn't feel like waiting for the official release that is a stripped down version of 2.1 then use this droidmod app to root only don't install the 1.0 rom after your rooted go to alldroid.org and check out what one of the devs named koush has for droid he is primarily a nexus one user but he has got an awesome 2.1 rom for droid that is a cross between cyanogen and sholes (aka droidmod) it works very stable has all 2.1 goodies (everything) and for those with experience in rooting know that cyanogen doesn't play around his stuff is rock solid and mixed with sholes (droidmod) it surely the first real rom for our droids there are detailed instructions on the site on how to do this here's the link http://alldroid.org/viewtopic.php?f=210&t=2260 feeling daring try this out and be careful with it or ant rooting and custom roms you may install DROID DOES!!!!

  17. krazykrivda has an awesome metamorph theme that is smoked glass with blue accents here is the link
    it also comes with a super sick boot animation and a smoked glass 2.1 launcher, he also has with other color accents like red, green, blue, pink, and purple and he says more colors to come.

  18. To get voice back after unrooting I deleted all files on the SD card and in downloads going through settings and applications all files including nandroid back up that the updater installed and I got voice back without doing

  19. Are you noticing any lag or bugs with 2.1 launcher, like when it is on stock 2.0.1 or does overclocking seem to fix most of them? I am running BuglessBeast v1.0 @800mhz with zero problems but it doesn't have 2.1 launcher. Just curious if the issues were in the launcher or clock speed.

  20. So does I run well? Faster? Slower? Problems?

  21. Kellex and all....


    I posted this in an earlier discussion but if you go here it helps you fix the problem with out a reset: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-hacks/21161-voice-search-missing-after-return-stock.html

    as posted...

    2) find com.google.android.voicesearch (that may not be the exact name but it will look similar...) and click on it

    3) Click "Uninstall"

    4) Reboot your phone

  22. oh...1 must've got cut off:

    1) going to Settings -> Applications
    -> Manage Applications -> Menu button -> Filter -> All

    1) go to Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> Menu button -> Filter -> All

    2) find com.google.android.voicesearch (that may not be the exact name but it will look similar...) and click on it

    3) Click "Uninstall"

    4) Reboot your phone

  23. how do you get the live wallpapers to work on 2.01? i installed the launcher but that doesn't bring up the option for live wallpapers like it does on that video.

  24. Ok cool, so what all do I need to run this mod and then go back to stock?

  25. Anyone else have problem with these videos launching on their Droid? Works if I use the youtube app though.

  26. I have to say it was very easy to root and install the custom OS. I have to say the guys at DroidMod did an amazing job.

  27. mine kept resetting and now after the motorolla screen at start up, it won't even turn on. this 1.0 is really pissin me off...

  28. how do I make my droid run on 800 mega hertz ?
    email me at SHaripershad@aim.com

  29. The comments on overclocking in the video, do a little research and you will come to find that overclocking does nothing with the way people are going about overclocking, its an illusion. Its not actually running faster

  30. bricked my phone. Took battery out and replaced. Back to stock now. What happened

  31. B: Not sure...what do you mean "bricked"? Normally a bricked phone is one that wont even turn on. Did it just freeze on you during startup? During the the install of the ROM?

  32. Darren wake up overclocking has been going on for a long time people have been doing it to their computers for a very long time and there is no difference here.

  33. it didnt brick lol hahaha he got nervous like i did or maybe he did something wrong because when i took my battery out and put it back it it went straight back to the red and black screen but you cant do anything wrong really its so easy to use i just wish the 2.1 launcher was better thats all

  34. Locked previously somehow but seems fine now. I realize now I unchecked a few items in the menu stage. How do I go back to have them installed? Voice keyboard especially. .. help

  35. Here are the instructions I followed and it worked perfectly, I returned to stock too by selecting that ROM in the ROM Menu.

  36. I installed DroidMod and its working perfectly and its soo cool but I'm having a problem with the launcher. I installed both launchers that were ported to the Droid and the option to select which home screen isnt coming up when I press the home button. HELP PLEASE :)

  37. you guys should do a video on the new music app with coverflow its awesome

  38. Anon: go to settings>apps>manage apps - then options>filter>all. then scroll down till you see "home" select it and "clear defaults".

  39. Hello!
    First off, fantastic site!
    I was running live wallpapers on the 2.1 launcher for the interactive wallpapers but was too buggy for me.
    I've found that GDE supports live wallpapers and is stable on my rooted droid.. just wanted to give you all another option..

  40. Awesome to know. Will definitely check it out.

  41. New GDE runs great on rooted droid with droidmod 1.0.No cube but 5 screens,no lag. 2.1 launcher is the problem.


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