google to add multi-touch to more android phones

Friday, February 05, 2010

on a day filled with multi-touch goodness, we get more multi-touch goodness news!  google is about to release android 2.1 to pretty much every android manufacturer on the planet with the option for multi-touch included. 

pc magazine almost snuck this one by us...

Soon, Google will unleash a new Android platform release called "Android 2.1 – Update 1," which will include the updates for all Android manufacturers, the company said.

Once Google makes it available, it would be possible for any Android devices that have a touch screen with multitouch capability to offer pinch-to-zoom gestures in the Web browser, maps and gallery applications. That could potentially include every Android phone now available in the U.S. But notice the fine print: Google is releasing this to manufacturers, not directly to users. It will be up to Motorola, Samsung, HTC and the wireless carriers to boil the new software down for their individual phones.
starting to get restless droid users?  at least positive news like this just keeps flowing into our inboxes by the hour these days.  who knows what monday will bring!

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  1. Great news and I had the feeling since the official update through the market for MAPS came about.

    BIG RED would be stupid not to allow such option if its available. But if they don't, I have my Gallery app with MT already thanks to this site. Just hoping the Browser releases soon to have as backup incase VZW does decide to cheat us

  2. The 2.1 update really should happening at anytime I'm guessing. We keep seeing signs of it creeping closer and closer.

  3. Hopefully this update will include the animated wallpapers

  4. hopefully we get it soon. i don't care much for the animated wallpapers. they look cool and all, but i imagine they'd slow down your droid and eat up memory

  5. With the dolphin browser, B&B Gallery, and the Maps update, I'm no longer multi-tap challenged. Thanks for the up-to-date tweets!

  6. Super excited to see what happens next!

  7. how to load multimedia dock on droid


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