and the winner of a droid multimedia dock is...

Friday, March 05, 2010

before we go ahead and announce the winner of our contest which gave all of our readers a chance to take home a motorola droid multimedia dock, i need to take a second and thank you all.  i hope your jaw drops when i tell you that we had 421 entries in just under 2 weeks time!  that's nuts!  what a blast it has been to see the retweets just flooding through our @mentions inbox.  this site started out as a side hobby and in just 3 months has blossomed into something pretty damn special.  thanks again everyone!

on to our winner...drum roll please...

the winner of a brand spankin' new droid multimedia docking station is!

congrats J!

and for the rest of you, make sure to check back on tuesday as we already have our next contest lined up.  this time, we've got enough prizes for 3 different winners!

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