the widget is called beautiful widgets people

Friday, March 05, 2010

sorry if that title comes off a little negative (that definitely wasn't the intention), but i need to get this out so we can move forward and onto bigger and better things!  (wow, that sounded a little overdramatic.)  to everyone out there that is wondering or has wondered what the clock/weather/calendar widget is on my home screen, this is for you.

the widget is called Beautiful Widgets.

you can grab this beautiful thing from the market, but it will cost you a whoppin' $1.99.  trust me when i say this though, it is well worth the $1.99 when you think about the number of questions i've received on it.  it's definitely "beautiful" and the amount of skins you can download to it have made it a top app purchase for me.

and if you need further verification on its awesomeness, i'm sure there are plenty of readers who would like to weigh in...


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