video: installing a custom rom - blackdroid ultimate droid 5.0
Thursday, March 04, 2010the main request i've received over the last week has been "can you show us how to install a custom rom?!?" and today i finally had a chance to put a video together. in this video we chose to use Blackdroid's new Ultimate Droid 5.0 over Bugless Beast, but as i've noted in the video, the installation instructions are the same for both so please after this video, do not ask me to do another video for Bugless.
*warning time* - as always, you are performing these tasks at your own risk. we are not recommending that you do ANY of these, but simply providing information to you. there is a chance you could brick your phone or do other permanent damage so please do as much research as you can beforehand.before we get started - you need to make sure you've rooted your phone. the best way to do that is by using droidmod1.0 or through this video. you should also install the droidmod1.0 rom which this video will show you how to do. after you've completed those 2 steps, you need to download the file below and then it's on to the video or step-by-step instructions...
download: ultimate droid 5.0 (alt link) (alt link2)
video instructions...
step-by-step instructions...
Nandroid Backup Installation Instructions:*note 1* update 3/4 - to get back to stock - in theory you should be able to get back to droidmod1.0 by booting into recovery and choosing one of the nandroid backups that droidmod created during its install. once you get back to that recovery image, you should then be able to install droidmod1.0 again and revert back to stock. (any rom pros want to weigh in on that logic?)
-Update & backup any files you wish to restore, this will wipe /data
-Extract the files from the archive using WinRAR or a similar program
-Place the extracted folder (the ROM) into the "nandroid" folder on your sdcard
-Reboot into recovery mode (hold the power and "x" button at the same time)
-Wipe data/factory reset
-Wipe cache partition
-Advanced Nandroid Restore
-Choose backup (select the ROM) "ultimatedroid5"
-Perform Restore
*note 2* - for all the support in the world on this rom, visit Blackdroid's running thread here.
*note 3* - metamorph tutorial in the works still.
*note 4* - "will i receive the 2.1 ota official update if i do this?" answer is "no."