dear google, send us a nexus one!

Monday, January 04, 2010

yes google, we would gladly take one of those fabulous nexus one phones off your hands for "testing," "reviewing," and "promoting!"  as much as we love our motorola droid, the idea of a slimmer/lighter version of our phone, with a trackball, and android 2.1 has us drooling.  obviously part of the reason we purchased the droid was for the keyboard and while your nexus one lacks that, i think we would probably live without it.

so if you have an extra phone lying around, feel free to send one over for our oh-so-professional video reviews!


side notes!

and to those of you wondering what the hell i'm blabbing about, check out the latest photos and reviews from engadget and nexusoneblog who both received nexus one phones over the last couple of days.

(h/t engadget and nexusoneblog)

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