2.1 update preparation: uninstalling ported apps

Monday, February 08, 2010

if you've been following along with our list of nexus one 2.1 apps that were ported over to the motorola droid, then this is a post you need read through as the android 2.1 update is almost upon us.  with the breaking news coming out today of the update, and our sources telling us that february 10th will be day 1 of the rollout, it's time to start cleaning up our devices.

first of all, the best idea is to uninstall any 2.1 app that you have installed over the last few weeks to make sure you get a completely clean install when your device receives its ota update sometime this week.  the options you had are all listed here.

video instructions for un-installation...

steps for un-installation...

1.  go to settings > applications > manage applications
2.  scroll through app list to pick out the 2.1 app you want to remove.
3.  options would be:  "clock" / "gallery" / "launcher" / "music" / "news and weather"
4.  tap on the specific application.
5.  if the application gives you the option to "clear defaults" then do so.
6.  tap on "uninstall".
7.  repeat steps for each 2.1 app installed.

*note* google maps 3.4 - if you installed the ported version of google maps from this post then you will need to remove it just as you would these other apps (there are un-installation instructions at the end of the video in that post as well).  however, if you downloaded the google maps update through the market, then you are good to go and can leave it alone.


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  1. Is the Google maps 3.4 app you showcased a few posts down okay, or should it be uninstalled as well?

  2. If you installed the ported Google Maps 3.4 then you should remove that, but if you updated your Google Maps through the Market then you are OK.

  3. If we installed Swype, will that need to be taken off as well until after the update?

  4. question. !!! I have a rooted droid and running bugless beast. what do u guys think, should I unroot my phone to make sure the update 2.1 will not mess it up? ?

  5. This is just a recommendation, right? I mean...the update will override the tock apps, right? This is not mandatory to do? To say that if we don't uninstall them we won't receive the update.

    I guess I can uninstall for next few days and see what happens

  6. O: Its not mandatory. The stock apps will be overroad but the filenames of these 2.1 ported versions could cause some conflicts which is why I'm suggesting it.

    Anon: If u have bugless beast I'm guessing you have an OTA blocker on there and will not receive the update. If u want the update, you'll likely have to unroot. You should check with someone who has a ton of rooting experience though.

  7. I wonder why your Laucher app was doing in the settings, all mine ever did was slow down a bit once in a while. Luck i guess.

  8. to bad this update for 2.1 will not have the 3D icon effct for the app icons... =( very sad... I guess I will uninstall it for the update and just re-install it after!!

  9. So I've cleaned out my Droid. Went into astrofile manager and the regular app manager and even mounted it to my PC to delete any files that weren't in use. My Droid is running lean, mean and smooooth as silk lol. I'm ready for 2.1! I even took out some apps I hardly used.

    Multitouch throughout
    Talk 2 text mic on the keyboard
    5 homescreens
    New Gallery
    Improved performance

    This is what I really want. Don't care too much about the wallpapers. Right now I'm rockin a stock 2.0 black web wallpaper and a carbon fiber skinned Beautiful Widgets clock. It looks slick as hell. Check it!

    The home app grid would be nice though. *crosses fingers

  10. That's what I plan: jus uninstall for now then re-install after update. Then again, I don't use the launcherr because I use HOME++. I wish there was somehow to have HOME++ work with 3D Launcher

  11. I show two Maps apps when I "manage" my apps. They both reflect ver 3413, which one do I uninstall and which do I retain?

  12. Will these ports still work after the 2.1 update??? Would hate to lose my 3D Gallery especially...

    Anyone know?

  13. Charlie: You want to get rid of the one that will let you "uninstall" and keep that one that will only let you "uninstall updates".

    Jay: I doubt they will work as they were built for 2.0.1. But with this update, you should get receiving the 3D gallery in its full version anyway.

  14. Do I have to get rid of all of them? I dont want to redo my screens again and want to keep launcher 2.1.

  15. Bummer,

    Hopefully the stuff left out in the update will be re-ported?

  16. does this include Swype as a ported appl?


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